Allouez Township
About Us
In 1990 the legislature adopted legislation to address the problems associated with abandoned, idled and under-used commercial or industrial sites. Some sites are classified as “contaminated.” As a general rule, once a site has been contaminated and cleanup orders are either not followed or not given, the sites typically draw little interest from investors because they fear being held liable for the cleanup even though they were not involved in deposits of hazardous materials or leaking underground storage tanks.
The County Brownfield Committee works with other agencies, private and municipal to find ways to clean up the properties, and ready them for sale.
Keweenaw County Brownfield Committee is always looking for interested members. Keweenaw County residency is not a requirement.
Authority Members Appointed by the Keweenaw County Board of Commissioners:
Chuck Bennetts, Chair
414 530-4683
Ray Chase, Vice Chair
906 337-1229
Steve Karpiak, Secretary
906 482-8455
Michael Musiel
906 289-4658
Mark Klemp
906 231-1653
Bill Griffin
906 482-4810
Erika Vye
906 289-4164
Meetings are held the Third Tuesday of the even months at 6:30 PM. February, April, June, August, October and December.
Location: Keweenaw County Courthouse.