Allouez Township
Keweenaw County Prosecuting Attorney
Charles (Chuck) Miller (D)
5095 Fourth Street
Eagle River, MI 49950
906.934.6170 [Phone]
919.869.1911 [FAX]
Duties & Responsibilities
The Prosecuting Attorney's primary responsibility is to work with law enforcement to make sure persons who commit crimes in Keweenaw County are fully and fairly prosecuted.
The Prosecuting Attorney is also responsible for authorizing and prosecuting child protective proceedings, enforcing personal protection orders, participating in mental health commitment hearings, and providing assistance and input to crime victims, among many other duties.
The Prosecuting Attorney also acts as civil counsel to the Board of Commissioners and other county officials, and in that capacity, negotiates and drafts contracts, offers legal opinions on civil matters, and brings and defends lawsuits and other civil actions.